Michael D Plunk, DDS, MSD

Michael D Plunk, DDS, MSD

Dentists in Dallas, TX


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1151 N Buckner Rd, #402
Dallas , TX 75218 UNITED STATES

About Michael D Plunk, DDS, MSD


Michael D Plunk, DDS, MSD 214-324-5437
1151 N Buckner Rd, #402
Dallas , TX 75218 UNITED STATES
Michael D Plunk, DDS, MSD 1

Based on 1 reviews

Michael D Plunk, DDS, MSD 214-324-5437
1151 N Buckner Rd, #402
Dallas , TX 75218 UNITED STATES
1 5

insurance and billing problems

Our son received good care from Dr. Plunk. The issue was not with the care, but with how little our insurance covered on the visit. Dr. Plunk is not in-net with any insurers, thus even though we have good insurance, we were not given...
posted at 08/26/11

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Michael D Plunk, DDS, MSD
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Michael D Plunk, DDS, MSD

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