Herb's Paint and Body

Herb's Paint and Body

Automotive in Plano, TX

Automotive Auto Repair

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1205 Coit Road,
Plano , TX 75075 UNITED STATES

About Herb's Paint and Body

Need auto collision repair in Dallas? Choose Herb’s Paint & Body! Whether your car is foreign or domestic, Herb’s has been your auto body repair shop in the Dallas metroplex for over 60 years. Since day one, superior customer service has separated Herb’s from its competitors.


Herb's Paint and Body 972-758-0080
1205 Coit Road,
Plano , TX 75075 UNITED STATES
Herb's Paint and Body 5

Based on 1 reviews

Herb's Paint and Body 972-758-0080
1205 Coit Road,
Plano , TX 75075 UNITED STATES
5 5

Herbs Paint & Body does a great job!

I have used herbs 3 different times. Each time my car left looking better than it did before it got hit. I had an issue with the rental car company giving me a much smaller car and they made sure that i got the upgrade. Great company and...
posted at 01/02/10

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Herb's Paint and Body
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