Cole Transmission

Cole Transmission

Auto Repair in Forney, TX

Auto Repair

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305 Industrial Dr,
Forney , TX 75126 UNITED STATES

About Cole Transmission

Cole Transmission is a professional quality transmission shop. At Cole Transmission, we have been repairing, rebuilding, and replacing complex automotive engine parts for more than thirty years. In three decades, we have seen multiple generations of automobile pass through our workshop floor, and dedicated ourselves to achieving the highest possible quality of work on each and every single one. We are able to produce world-class results for engine transmission repair and rear end differential replacements in Forney, TX due to our combination of expertise, specialized equipment, and highly efficient work ethic. We specialize in automatic transmission, standers, differentials, high performance, computer diagnostics, transfer cases, and more. Since we are a highly specialized company, we are able to operate more efficiently than most auto repair shops, and consequently offer better values and quicker turnaround times than many of our customers expect. If you need quick, reliable service from a demonstrated expert in auto transmission maintenance, trust Cole Transmission for the job.


Cole Transmission 214-289-2155
305 Industrial Dr,
Forney , TX 75126 UNITED STATES
Cole Transmission

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Cole Transmission
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