Prestige Ford Service

Prestige Ford Service

Auto Dealers in Garland, TX

Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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3601 South Shiloh Road,
Garland , TX 75041 UNITED STATES

About Prestige Ford Service

Prestige Ford is the trusted automotive repair shop in the Garland, TX area that is here to serve the needs of residents of Garland, TX area. The trained staff at Prestige Ford is here to help you with all of your automotive repair needs, from answering your car questions to scheduling a service appointment for your Ford in our state-of-the-art facility. Next time you need a oil change, brakes done or need a oil filter, come to Prestige Ford in Garland, TX. We look forward to assisting you in any way possible.


Prestige Ford Service 972-864-3673
3601 South Shiloh Road,
Garland , TX 75041 UNITED STATES
Prestige Ford Service 1

Based on 2 reviews

Prestige Ford Service 972-864-3673
3601 South Shiloh Road,
Garland , TX 75041 UNITED STATES
1 5


Stay away from any dealership Randall Reed owns. He treats his workers like crap and takes advantage of his customers if he can.
posted at 02/04/10
Prestige Ford Service 972-864-3673
3601 South Shiloh Road,
Garland , TX 75041 UNITED STATES
1 5

Do not waste your time!

oh my gosh, what an aweful experience! They would not give me my keys back when i test drove an auto. They tried everything to get me to stay and then tried to sell me on something that was $15k higher than what I told them was the max...
posted at 03/08/10

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Prestige Ford Service
Auto Dealers
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