Precision Tune Auto Care

Precision Tune Auto Care

Auto Repair in Murfreesboro, TN

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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1804 Memorial Blvd,
Murfreesboro , TN 37129 UNITED STATES

About Precision Tune Auto Care

At Precision Tune Auto Care of Murfreesboro, we work hard to keep your car on the road. Our certified technicians will help you maintain your vehicle and fix it when it needs repair. Our stores do it all from oil changes, flushes and alignments to replacing your brakes and analyzing why that “Check Engine Light” is on. Our expert technicians are also known for repairing your vehicle’s shocks and struts and if necessary, they can repair/replace engines and transmissions. We are a full-service facility with a nationwide 24-month/24,000-mile warranty on services performed. For a complete list of all the services we provide, please visit our website.


Precision Tune Auto Care 615-617-3754
1804 Memorial Blvd,
Murfreesboro , TN 37129 UNITED STATES
Precision Tune Auto Care 4.6

Based on 10 reviews

Precision Tune Auto Care 615-617-3754
1804 Memorial Blvd,
Murfreesboro , TN 37129 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best auto repair in murfreesboro

I had my air conditioner fixed here. The manager was extremely friendly and the repair was actually $30 less than the estimate and $200 cheaper than my previous quote from another shop. I am extremely happy
posted at 06/18/11
Precision Tune Auto Care 615-617-3754
1804 Memorial Blvd,
Murfreesboro , TN 37129 UNITED STATES
5 5


I wouldn?t go anywhere else. These guys have taken care of my vehicles for years and they are just the greatest. Jeff is the greatest.
posted at 06/18/11
Precision Tune Auto Care 615-617-3754
1804 Memorial Blvd,
Murfreesboro , TN 37129 UNITED STATES
4 5

Thank You!

I had a problem with work that was done at Master Tech in Murfreesboro. I met with the owner and he acknowledged a mistake had been made and he reimbursed me for 100% of the repairs in question. I have the utmost respect for someone...
posted at 06/09/11
Precision Tune Auto Care 615-617-3754
1804 Memorial Blvd,
Murfreesboro , TN 37129 UNITED STATES
5 5


I wouldn?t go anywhere else. These guys have taken care of my vehicles for years and they are just the greatest. Jeff is the greatest.
posted at 06/17/11
Precision Tune Auto Care 615-617-3754
1804 Memorial Blvd,
Murfreesboro , TN 37129 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Service

Simply good service, always done correctly the first time. Jeff is friendly and informative and will get itdone as quickly as possible. It is always correctly fixed and reasonable pricing. I take all my vehicles there.
posted at 04/05/10
Precision Tune Auto Care 615-617-3754
1804 Memorial Blvd,
Murfreesboro , TN 37129 UNITED STATES
5 5

World Class Service and Prices

As good as advertised! I needed service quick, my timing belt was broke and one shop down the street told me I neede a new engine. But, these guys put me back on the road for $249. I will never go any where else. Thrustworthy, great...
posted at 04/04/10
Precision Tune Auto Care 615-617-3754
1804 Memorial Blvd,
Murfreesboro , TN 37129 UNITED STATES
4 5

They have Integrity

They do the oil changes on our vehicles and perform a maintenenance check with other work as needed. I have been a customer for over four years and been satisfied. I count on them for their honesty and professionalism.
posted at 12/01/10
Precision Tune Auto Care 615-617-3754
1804 Memorial Blvd,
Murfreesboro , TN 37129 UNITED STATES
4 5

Did the right thing

I had a problem with them and they have opted to pay me back a portion of the repairs in question. This says something about their integrity
posted at 11/25/10
Precision Tune Auto Care 615-617-3754
1804 Memorial Blvd,
Murfreesboro , TN 37129 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent Work, Friendly Staff

Master Tech Automotive has the most professional, knowledgeable staff I've taken my car to - by far! I know I can rely on their work, but I have the added bonus of Master Tech Automotive always being affordable as well! I'd highly...
posted at 01/26/10
Precision Tune Auto Care 615-617-3754
1804 Memorial Blvd,
Murfreesboro , TN 37129 UNITED STATES
4 5

They Have Integrity

Oil changes with the maintenance check are regularly done. I count on them for their experience and professionalism.
posted at 12/01/10

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Precision Tune Auto Care
Auto Repair
4.6 (10 reviews)
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Precision Tune Auto Care

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