Vic Jenkins Automotive

Vic Jenkins Automotive

Auto Parts and Accessories in Gallatin, TN

Auto Parts and Accessories

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400 E Broadway,
Gallatin , TN 37066 UNITED STATES

About Vic Jenkins Automotive


Vic Jenkins Automotive 615-452-3037
400 E Broadway,
Gallatin , TN 37066 UNITED STATES
Vic Jenkins Automotive 1

Based on 1 reviews

Vic Jenkins Automotive 615-452-3037
400 E Broadway,
Gallatin , TN 37066 UNITED STATES
1 5

Horrible service

I had taken my 2007 Nissan in 3 times to get the front axel repaired. The first time I got it back the steering wheel was side ways when you was going straight and vibrations has persisted as if the wheel was going to come off. The second...
posted at 06/12/11

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Vic Jenkins Automotive
Auto Parts and Accessories
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