KC Computer

KC Computer

Computers & Accessories in Memphis, TN

Computers & Accessories

Contact us


6415 Summer Avenue, Ste 107
Memphis , TN 38134 UNITED STATES

About KC Computer

KC Computer is a small, locally-owned computer shop located in Memphis near Bartlett, TN. We have served the Memphis community for over 15 years in all aspects of computer sales and service. It is our goal for customers to receive down-to-earth information about all their computer needs coupled with affordable solutions. We strive to provide useful information to equip our customers with the knowledge to make the decisions necessary for all their computer needs and provide great service.



KC Computer 901-386-2622
6415 Summer Avenue, Ste 107
Memphis , TN 38134 UNITED STATES
KC Computer

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Company name
KC Computer
Computers & Accessories
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virus removal,  system reloads,  data recovery printer setup
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KC Computer

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