Hughes Funeral Home, Inc.

Hughes Funeral Home, Inc.

Cemeteries in Pittsburgh, PA

Cemeteries Funeral Homes & Directors

Contact us


1501 Lowrie St,,
Pittsburgh , PA 15212 UNITED STATES

About Hughes Funeral Home, Inc.

At Hughes Funeral Home, Inc., we pride ourselves on meeting the needs of the families we serve. We offer both traditional and cremation services which will allow you to commemorate and honor your loved one in a very personal way, whether it be through visitations or memorial services. We also offer pre-need funeral planning services which will help your loved ones from the emotional burdens of making arrangements at the time of loss. We offer lit off-street parking and have handicap access for your convenience. Our beautiful funeral home is located in the Troy Hill/Mt. Troy/Northside of Pittsburgh. At Hughes Funeral Home, we'll help guide and assist you in your time of need.


Hughes Funeral Home, Inc. 412-231-4193
1501 Lowrie St,,
Pittsburgh , PA 15212 UNITED STATES
Hughes Funeral Home, Inc.

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Hughes Funeral Home, Inc.
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Hughes Funeral Home, Inc.

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