Slater Funeral Home

Slater Funeral Home

Health and Medical in Philadelphia, PA

Health and Medical Insurance Funeral Homes & Directors

Contact us


1426 Fitzwater Street,
Philadelphia , PA 19146 UNITED STATES

About Slater Funeral Home

At Slater Funeral Home Ltd. we arrange different types of funerals to meet individual needs. The main focus should always be on the wishes of the deceased. If the deceased did not express any clear wish while he or she was alive, we recommend that the relatives and other loved ones ask themselves the following questions when choosing the type of funeral: What type of funeral would fit the life and personality of the deceased? What effects will it have on how the loved ones will deal with their grief and their memories of the deceased?


Slater Funeral Home 215-545-3055
1426 Fitzwater Street,
Philadelphia , PA 19146 UNITED STATES
Slater Funeral Home

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Slater Funeral Home
Health and Medical
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Slater Funeral Home

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