Bruce D Richman

Bruce D Richman

Doctors in Sellersville, PA


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817 Lawn Ave, Ste 1,
Sellersville , PA 18960 UNITED STATES

About Bruce D Richman

My big issue with Dr. Richman is that he refused to take me on as a patient due to the fact that I had been prescribed a controlled substance by another doctor. I offered to stop filling the prescription, and I also was willing to try a different medication of his choosing. But still he completely refused. I feel that this was discrimination against me either due to medications I've been prescribed (which another doctor felt necessary), or due to my mental illness. Either way, this scenario is not okay.


Bruce D Richman 215-257-1736
817 Lawn Ave, Ste 1,
Sellersville , PA 18960 UNITED STATES
Bruce D Richman

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Bruce D Richman

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