Gary Nack DDS

Gary Nack DDS

Dentists in Holland, PA


Contact us


120 Buck Road,
Holland , PA 18966 UNITED STATES

About Gary Nack DDS

My staff and I have been serving the residents of Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties for over 25 years. We understand the importance of continuing education in keeping up with the continuously evolving field of dentistry and take numerous hours per year to remain on the cutting edge of what dentistry has to offer you. We believe in the “team approach” to quality care; doing what we do best and allowing our team of specialists to work along with us to create long-lasting, beautiful and functional smiles.

Our office believes in a low volume, high quality philosophy. While we will process all insurance claims for you and do accept assignment of your dental insurance benefits, we do not participate with insurance companies. As a result, we can afford to spend the time necessary to provide you with the best care that dentistry has to offer. Need a bit more time to get numb…no problem! Have a few more questions…that’s great! It’s all in the name of quality care and outstanding service.

If this sounds like the kind of care that you are looking for, consider giving us a call. I think you will appreciate the difference.


Gary Nack DDS 215-364-6540
120 Buck Road,
Holland , PA 18966 UNITED STATES
Gary Nack DDS

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Gary Nack DDS

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