Thunderbird Lanes

Thunderbird Lanes

Sporting Goods in Philadelphia, PA

Sporting Goods Professional Sports

Contact us


5830 Castor Ave,
Philadelphia , PA 19149 UNITED STATES

About Thunderbird Lanes

We are a 16 lane family friendly bowling center located at the Oxford Circle in Northeast Philadelphia. We specialize in birthday parties, fundraisers, league and casual bowling. Grab a bite to eat from our snack bar while your bowling.


Thunderbird Lanes 215-743-2521
5830 Castor Ave,
Philadelphia , PA 19149 UNITED STATES
Thunderbird Lanes 5

Based on 1 reviews

Thunderbird Lanes 215-743-2521
5830 Castor Ave,
Philadelphia , PA 19149 UNITED STATES
5 5

Amazing Value

Thunderbird Lanes is a small bowling center but by no means is it cramped in fact it's very family friendly that way. Everyone there is willing to help and is very nice. I've never had a problem here and they are willing to answer any and...
posted at 02/28/11

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Thunderbird Lanes
Sporting Goods
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Thunderbird Lanes

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