Appliance Guys Inc.

Appliance Guys Inc.

Local Services in Portland, OR

Local Services Appliances & Repair

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1225 NW Murray Blvd , #202
Portland , OR 97229 UNITED STATES

About Appliance Guys Inc.

Established in 1997 by a dynamic husband and wife team, Appliance Guys Inc has grown into a highly acclaimed and reviewed company. Preferred providers for Property management Companies and homeowners all over the Portland Metro Area.

Let us fix your household appliances at an affordable rate. Our technicians are helpful, courteous, and clean cut. They are people you wouldn't be nervous to let into your home. Our office staff will respond to your requests promptly and effectively so that a tech can be at your place ASAP! Sometimes service industry providers forget that they are in the “service” industry. We don’t! Our goal is to help you solve your problems without putting a dent in your bank account.

All parts that we use are guaranteed for 90 days and any services we provide are guaranteed for 30 days.


Appliance Guys Inc. 503-531-8853
1225 NW Murray Blvd , #202
Portland , OR 97229 UNITED STATES
Appliance Guys Inc.

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Appliance Guys Inc.
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appliance repair,  washer and dryer repair,  furnace repair garbage disposal repair
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Appliance Guys Inc.

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