Kuni Collision Center

Kuni Collision Center

Auto Repair in Beaverton, OR

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What we offer

  • Air & Cabin Filter
  • Air Conditioning
  • Battery
  • Brakes
  • Check engine light diagnostic
  • Electrical
  • Oil Change
  • Steering / Suspension
  • Transmission
  • A/c installation & repair
  • Auto detailing
  • Auto glass services
  • Body & Trim
  • Carburetor cleaning
  • Car waxing
  • Electrical repair
  • Engine repair
  • Exhaust
  • General repairs & maintenance
  • Interior vacuuming
  • Painting
  • Tires
  • Tuning
  • Wheel alignment


3725 Southwest Cedar Hills Blvd,
Beaverton , OR 97005 UNITED STATES

About Kuni Collision Center

Holman is a global automotive leader that serves both commercial and consumer clients The Holman Way by always doing the right thing for our people, our customers, and the community since 1924. The Holman story began nearly a century ago as a single Ford dealership in New Jersey. Today, Holman, headquartered in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, is one of the largest family-owned automotive service organizations in North America with more than 6,500 employees across North America, the UK, and Germany.

Holman delivers a unique range of automotive-centric services including industry-leading fleet management and leasing; vehicle fabrication and upfitting; component manufacturing and productivity solutions; powertrain distribution and logistics services; commercial and personal insurance and risk management; and retail automotive sales as one of the largest privately owned dealership groups in the United States. Guided by its deeply rooted core values and principles, Holman is continuously Driving What’s Right. For additional information, please visit Holman.com.


  • Holman


Kuni Collision Center 503-928-5746
3725 Southwest Cedar Hills Blvd,
Beaverton , OR 97005 UNITED STATES
Kuni Collision Center 1

Based on 3 reviews

Kuni Collision Center 503-928-5746
3725 Southwest Cedar Hills Blvd,
Beaverton , OR 97005 UNITED STATES
1 5

Auto Glass

I have removed my review.
posted at 08/19/09
Kuni Collision Center 503-928-5746
3725 Southwest Cedar Hills Blvd,
Beaverton , OR 97005 UNITED STATES
1 5

Has changed for the worse

I took my wifes Z4 to the Kuni Collision Center December 8th and got an estimate for repair of $1114.00. This for minor damage to the front end. We told them we did not want to turn it in to our insurance and that we would be leaving for vaction on the 12th. They called my wife the next day and said it may be as much as $2000.00. When we returned to pick up the car on the 21st the bill was $3570.00. I have worked on and built cars all my life and I can tell you this was the classic body shop we found more damage when we took it apart. This was for very minor damage to the front of the car that seemed more in line with the original estimate than the final repair.They knew that there would be no insurance claim adjuster and that we were on vaction and unable to verify the added repairs. When my wife picked up the car she did not get 2 blocks before the coolant light came on. She took it back and waited another 1 1/2 hrs for them to fix it. Great quality control on thier part. When questioned why the repair was more than 3 times the estimate they really could not provide a good answer. I want to make clear that the Collison Center has no connection to the dealship and I have had nothing but good service from the dealership in both sales and service.
posted at 12/23/09
Kuni Collision Center 503-928-5746
3725 Southwest Cedar Hills Blvd,
Beaverton , OR 97005 UNITED STATES
1 5

Business as usual at Kuni...

I used to work there. It's been a few years but it really sounds as though nothing has changed. They are really not afraid to reach inside your pocketbook at Kuni. I'll never forget- and I share the info whenever I get the chance, a Cadillac service advisor educating me about how business is conducted at Kuni. At my collision center customers request I took the car up to the Caddy service drive for requested repairs I questioned her about the exhorbitant expense for the repairs and she said- and I quote, "Don't worry, our customers can afford it". Sad. I worked in estimating and management at many different shops and I can say that Kuni is the most liberal with customers and insurers money. By far. Caveat Emptor.
posted at 09/16/10

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American Express







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Detail information

Company name
Kuni Collision Center
Auto Repair
1.0 (3 reviews)
Year Established
car dealer,  new car dealer,  used car dealer collision center
Claimed by

Kuni Collision Center

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