Carr Chevrolet

Carr Chevrolet

Auto Dealers in Beaverton, OR

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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15005 SW Tualatin Valley Hwy,,
Beaverton , OR 97003 UNITED STATES

About Carr Chevrolet

Carr Chevy World is offering RED HOT pricing on over 200 New Chevrolets! Hurry in for the best selection in the Northwest. Carr Chevy World services all GM makes and models, and is the area Authorized Saturn Service Provider. We are known for attracting customers from all over the region. Regardless of whether they come from Tillamook, Bend, or just down the street, our customers make the drive because they value our exceptional care. We provide a full range of automotive related services - sales, service, parts and auto body repair.


Carr Chevrolet 503-520-4108
15005 SW Tualatin Valley Hwy,,
Beaverton , OR 97003 UNITED STATES
Carr Chevrolet

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