Checkpoint Motors

Checkpoint Motors

Auto Repair in Oregon City, OR

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Proudly serving our community since 1969!
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Auto Repair Automotive Auto Parts and Accessories

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What we offer

  • Brakes
  • Diagnostics
  • Electrical Repair & Service
  • Engine Repair & Service
  • Oil Changes
  • Preventative Maintenance
  • Diesel Repair & Service
  • Wheel Alignment


2001 Beavercreek Rd.,
Oregon City , OR 97045 UNITED STATES

About Checkpoint Motors

In Oregon City, for automotive repair, people trust Checkpoint Motors. Our ASE Certified Technicians are experts at oil changes, brake repair, transmission services, fluid leaks, electrical systems, alignments, AC repairs, and much more. We have been serving the Oregon City area since 1969, and we take pride in our keen attention to detail and effort to get your car back to you quickly because we understand that you have places to go.

Trust, Time, and Talent are what puts Checkpoint Motors above the rest. Gaining trust and exceeding customer expectations is the heart of our organization. We value customer communication, so we take the time to discuss and explain repair and maintenance needs in great detail. We work diligently to repair your vehicle to perform at its best. We use quality parts and stand behind our work so you can rest well knowing your car is in good hands. Our team strives to be a leading example in the auto repair industry with our integrity, dedication to providing extraordinary customer service and the highest quality repair that exceeds all competition.


Checkpoint Motors Checkpoint Motors


Checkpoint Motors 503-655-2321
2001 Beavercreek Rd.,
Oregon City , OR 97045 UNITED STATES
Checkpoint Motors 3

Based on 2 reviews

Checkpoint Motors 503-655-2321
2001 Beavercreek Rd.,
Oregon City , OR 97045 UNITED STATES
5 5


We regret we didn't give you the service you expect & deserve. Since you were a customer & kept coming back for several years you obviously had been happy. True we didn't solve your noise although we weren't given another chance....
posted at 11/30/10
Checkpoint Motors 503-655-2321
2001 Beavercreek Rd.,
Oregon City , OR 97045 UNITED STATES
1 5

A Rip Off

Last time I will give them a chance. I took two cars there last week, and I am looking at the invoices. One invoice is for $486. I had a problem with suspension noise. He put in new struts, and the noise got louder. He would not even...
posted at 04/25/10

Detail information

Company name
Checkpoint Motors
Auto Repair
3.0 (2 reviews)
Year Established
Claimed by

Checkpoint Motors

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