Caliber Collision

Caliber Collision

Automotive in Beaverton, OR

Automotive Auto Repair

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4400 SW Rose Ln,
Beaverton , OR 97005 UNITED STATES

About Caliber Collision


Caliber Collision 503-643-1159
4400 SW Rose Ln,
Beaverton , OR 97005 UNITED STATES
Caliber Collision 3

Based on 2 reviews

Caliber Collision 503-643-1159
4400 SW Rose Ln,
Beaverton , OR 97005 UNITED STATES
1 5

Inflated costs

I went to Kadel's because it was certified by AAA. When I got the estimate, I forwarded it to a family acquaintance who owns a shop that specializes in my vehicle make. He noted that there were a lot of 'fluff' charges: A few hours to cut...
posted at 03/26/10
Caliber Collision 503-643-1159
4400 SW Rose Ln,
Beaverton , OR 97005 UNITED STATES
5 5

Rodney at Kadel's is the man to see!

Kadel's is AWESOME. Got my car in for repairs 1 week after my accident and picked up 8 days later. Paint matches and passed the direct sunlight test!!! Detailed inside & out and Rodney was a "stickler" for having the car back to me...
posted at 07/27/10

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Caliber Collision
3.0 (2 reviews)
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