Vision and Eye Medical

Vision and Eye Medical

Doctors in Catoosa, OK


Contact us


2310 State Hwy 66,
Catoosa , OK 74015 UNITED STATES

About Vision and Eye Medical

Dr. Duke is licensed in optometric care, vision care, eye medical diagnosing and medical treatment of eye diseases, and certified in diagnostic pharmaceutical agents, therapeutic pharmaceutical agents, and CPR. He is a member of the American Optometric Association, the Oklahoma Association of Optometric Physicians, Northeast Oklahoma Optometric Society, and Asbury United Methodist Church. Dr. Duke is a member of the Catoosa Chamber of Commerce and is a past President of Chamber and has previously served as a board member for 10 years. At this time, Dr. Duke is a director at John 3:16 Mission where he was a President during four terms, and has been affiliated with this tremendous organization for the last twenty years. He is also a past member of the Catoosa Education Foundation and was one of the founding members and first President of the Foundation. He was also a past member of the Catoosa Quarterback Club


Vision and Eye Medical 918-266-3411
2310 State Hwy 66,
Catoosa , OK 74015 UNITED STATES
Vision and Eye Medical

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Vision and Eye Medical
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optometrists,  macular degeneration,  cataracts eye doctors
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Vision and Eye Medical

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