Davis Paint & Collision Auto Center

Davis Paint & Collision Auto Center

Automotive in Midwest City, OK

Automotive Auto Repair

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1313 N. Air Depot Blvd,
Midwest City , OK 73110 UNITED STATES

About Davis Paint & Collision Auto Center

At Davis Paint & Collision we have the hands on experience and know how that you are looking for. All of our collision repair specialist are constantly undergoing training and continuing education to insure that we can produce the highest quality standards.

Our commitment to excellence is what sets us apart from every other automotive repair center that you will ever visit. All of our technicians have years of training and experience. We take pride in our work and it shows with every car that comes out of our repair facility.

We have had many clients claim “Its like my car was never in an accident”.


Davis Paint & Collision Auto Center 405-732-0762
1313 N. Air Depot Blvd,
Midwest City , OK 73110 UNITED STATES
Davis Paint & Collision Auto Center

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Davis Paint & Collision Auto Center

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