Pataskala United Methodist Church

Pataskala United Methodist Church

Religious Organizations in Pataskala, OH

Religious Organizations Churches

Contact us


458 S Main St,
Pataskala , OH 43062 UNITED STATES

About Pataskala United Methodist Church

Pataskala United Methodist Church has been worshiping since 1852. Our congregation is full of welcoming individuals from children to adults. We have both a traditional and contemporary service on Sunday, with a Sunday school in between. We want to make everyone feel like they are at home when they visit us. If you're interested in learning more or want to get involved join us this Sunday!


Pataskala United Methodist Church 740-927-2856
458 S Main St,
Pataskala , OH 43062 UNITED STATES
Pataskala United Methodist Church

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Pataskala United Methodist Church
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Pataskala United Methodist Church

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