Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center

Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center

Auto Repair in Columbus, OH

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations

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6853 Cleveland Ave,
Columbus , OH 43231 UNITED STATES

About Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center

Since 1987, Tuffy Tire & Auto Service has stood for quality auto parts and reliable repairs at an exceptional value. Our auto repair shop in Columbus, OH, is your one-stop shop for full-service auto repairs, diagnostics, plus minor and major auto repairs for most cars and light-duty trucks, both foreign and domestic. We even work on boats! Our talented technicians keep their skills current and use the latest in technology for top results. We stand behind our work and offer a nationwide warranty for your peace of mind. We're committed to treating our customers with the utmost level of honesty and respect. Be sure to check out our monthly eSpecial offers. Contact us today for an estimate and get ready to return to the road with confidence.


Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center 614-895-1588
6853 Cleveland Ave,
Columbus , OH 43231 UNITED STATES
Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center 5

Based on 3 reviews

Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center 614-895-1588
6853 Cleveland Ave,
Columbus , OH 43231 UNITED STATES
5 5

FINALLY! A Mechanic you can trust!

THANK YOU for caring enough to be honest and making my family safer on the road! I know it is not always easy to spot the problem right away... but their honest approach and system has saved me thousands of dollars. Their professional...
posted at 05/02/11
Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center 614-895-1588
6853 Cleveland Ave,
Columbus , OH 43231 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great service

My wife went in to have her brakes and shocks checked. They thoroughly checked her car and told her both shocks and struts were the originals and showed her. She was mad because two years prior she had gone to a Munro to have them...
posted at 05/01/11
Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center 614-895-1588
6853 Cleveland Ave,
Columbus , OH 43231 UNITED STATES
5 5

Fantastic Place

My repeated service at this location has been fantastic and I wouln't take my car anywhere else. The repairs are not necesarily cheap, but no car repairs are cheap. I wouln't want cheap anyways, I want it done right. I took my car in...
posted at 05/01/11

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Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center
Auto Repair
5.0 (3 reviews)
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