Specialty Schools in Richmond Heights, OH
Specialty Schools
26300 Curtiss Wright Parkway,
Area B
Richmond Heights ,
T&G Flying Club is Northeast Ohio's longest running and largest flying club. We have trained approximately 10,000 pilots since beginning operations in 1976.
Choosing the right flight school is important. You want to know that you are buying a safe, high quality experience. When comparing us to others, be sure to ask a lot of questions. Some key things to ask about are: how experienced the instructor and the school are, where/how the planes are maintained, what is included (and not included) in the rental rate (ie: fuel, insurance), what does the training program consist of and how well does it fit with the logistics of your life?
Want to get started? The first step is to take a Discovery Flight(http://www.tandgflying.com/discovery-flight.html).
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