D.O. Summers Cleaners

D.O. Summers Cleaners

Dry Cleaning & Laundry in Cleveland, OH

Dry Cleaning & Laundry

Contact us


4601 Carnegie Avenue,
Cleveland , OH 44103 UNITED STATES

About D.O. Summers Cleaners

In the world of dry cleaners, D.O. Summers Cleaners is a veteran, with over 135 years of experience behind its prestigious name. Established in 1881 by Donald Oliver Summers, it was purchased by Abraham Goldberg in 1939 and managed by the Goldberg family ever since.

How does a company turn 135 years old? By emphasizing quality and service. Close management involvement is another key reason why D.O Summers Cleaners has been in the Cleveland area for so many years. Added to that are many conveniences offered to customers: drive-thru windows, 24-hour express drop boxes, free pick-up and delivery to customer’s homes or offices, and same day “In by 11am, Ready at 5pm”…Guaranteed or it’s FREE!

Now, as always, D.O. Summers Cleaners stands firmly committed to providing their customers with the very best in quality and service for many more years to come.


D.O. Summers Cleaners 216-881-1000
4601 Carnegie Avenue,
Cleveland , OH 44103 UNITED STATES
D.O. Summers Cleaners

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D.O. Summers Cleaners
Dry Cleaning & Laundry
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D.O. Summers Cleaners

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