Beachwood Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa, Office of Steven Goldman, MD

Beachwood Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa, Office of Steven Goldman, MD

Beauty & Spas in Beachwood, OH

Beauty & Spas Health and Medical Plastic Surgery

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3618 Park East Drive,
Beachwood , OH 44122 UNITED STATES

About Beachwood Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa, Office of Steven Goldman, MD

Dr. Goldman has trained at some of the nation’s finest institutions and is one of very few surgeons in the country that is double board certified. He graduated with Honors from Dartmouth College, of the Ivy League. He obtained his medical degree from the University of Pittsburgh, a top 20 medical school. At Pitt, Dr. Goldman was inducted into Alpha Omega Alpha, the national medical honor society comprised of the top 10 – 15 percent of the student body at each American medical school. Dr. Goldman performed his Otolaryngology residency at the University of Pittsburgh and his Plastic Surgery Residency at University Hospitals of Cleveland and the Case School of Medicine; both are considered to be among the most prestigious residency programs in the country.

His clinical accomplishments have earned him Fellowship in the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (FAAFPRS) and Fellowship in the American College of Surgeons (FACS). He also a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Academy of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, and the American Rhinologic Society, among other groups.

Dr. Goldman received the prestigious TOP DOC award from Northern Ohio Live Magazine in April 2005, and was Interim Chief of Plastic Surgery at University Hospitals of Cleveland/Case School of Medicine until August 2005. He made the transition to private practice in 2006 but remains affiliated with University Hospitals.


Beachwood Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa, Office of Steven Goldman, MD 216-514-8899
3618 Park East Drive,
Beachwood , OH 44122 UNITED STATES
Beachwood Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa, Office of Steven Goldman, MD

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Beachwood Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa, Office of Steven Goldman, MD
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Beachwood Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa, Office of Steven Goldman, MD

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