The Brickhouse Tavern

The Brickhouse Tavern

Restaurants in Willoughby, OH

Restaurants Bars American Restaurants

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38464 Lake Shore Blvd,
Willoughby , OH 44094 UNITED STATES

About The Brickhouse Tavern

If you're looking for a relaxed place to hang out and have a pint, stop by and relax with us. We are a full service restaurant and bar. We carry a variety of foods and behind the bar specialties. We are your neighborhood bar that wants to cater to what you're looking for, so stop in for a night of karaoke and happy hour! We look forward to your next visit!


The Brickhouse Tavern 440-942-9651
38464 Lake Shore Blvd,
Willoughby , OH 44094 UNITED STATES
The Brickhouse Tavern

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The Brickhouse Tavern
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The Brickhouse Tavern

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