The Law Offices of Jaime Lathrop, P.C.

The Law Offices of Jaime Lathrop, P.C.

Lawyers and Law Firms in Brooklyn, NY

Lawyers and Law Firms Business Consulting and Services

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182A 26th St, Ste 2R
Brooklyn , NY 11232 UNITED STATES

About The Law Offices of Jaime Lathrop, P.C.

The Law Offices of Jaime Lathrop, P.C. provides legal representation for New Yorkers throughout Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, and Staten Island. Mr. Lathrop is a recognized foreclosure defense and guardianship attorney with over 15 years of experience and a mission to make the justice system more equitable. Discover how Attorney Lathrop can help you resolve your real estate, elder law, or business matter, and call his client-recommended firm in Brooklyn, New York today to schedule your free consultation.


The Law Offices of Jaime Lathrop, P.C. 718-857-3663
182A 26th St, Ste 2R
Brooklyn , NY 11232 UNITED STATES
The Law Offices of Jaime Lathrop, P.C.

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