Major Chevrolet

Major Chevrolet

Auto Dealers in Long Island City, NY

Auto Dealers

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4340 Northern Blvd,
Long Island City , NY 11101 UNITED STATES

About Major Chevrolet

Welcome to Major World Chevrolet! We are proud to serve our Marines, Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen stationed at the nearby military bases, including Camp Lejeune in Long Island City and Cherry Point in NYC, near Queens. Major World Chevrolet has been ROCK SOLID since 1946! If you are searching for a new or used Chevrolet or Cadillac in the Long Island City, NY area, our friendly, professional staff is ready to provide you with all the help you need. Alternatively, we also provide our Queens Chevrolet and Cadillac drivers with the same level of service that those here in town have come to know and love. We're easily able to assist you with price quotes or help you investigate financing options.


Major Chevrolet 347-537-4692
4340 Northern Blvd,
Long Island City , NY 11101 UNITED STATES
Major Chevrolet

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