A Better Auto Repair

A Better Auto Repair

Auto Repair in Oceanside, CA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations

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1106 S Coast Hwy, A
Oceanside , CA 92054 UNITED STATES

About A Better Auto Repair

If you looking for an all-in-one auto repair shop to complete affordable repairs on your vehicle, our shop in Oceanside, CA, has you covered! With 36 years of experience, A Better Auto Repair has been working alongside customers to provide them with comprehensive repairs that meet their budget. From brake services, engine rebuilds, tune-ups to air conditioning, radiator repair, and more, our skilled technicians know how to fix your vehicle effectively and efficiently. Let us help get your vehicle safely back out the road. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!


A Better Auto Repair 760-729-8964
1106 S Coast Hwy, A
Oceanside , CA 92054 UNITED STATES
A Better Auto Repair 2.625

Based on 8 reviews

A Better Auto Repair 760-729-8964
1106 S Coast Hwy, A
Oceanside , CA 92054 UNITED STATES
1 5

Never go here!

I have taken my car to this place a few times and after the first time I should have learned my lesson. I am not going to write a long rant here but here are the facts:\r
1) Overpriced parts\r
2) They never call you to tell you whats...
posted at 08/19/10
A Better Auto Repair 760-729-8964
1106 S Coast Hwy, A
Oceanside , CA 92054 UNITED STATES
4 5

Legitimate Servicing

Love Dave & Jerry and the crew! These guys always answer my questions and concerns with affordable pricing.
posted at 06/22/11
A Better Auto Repair 760-729-8964
1106 S Coast Hwy, A
Oceanside , CA 92054 UNITED STATES
4 5


I really cannot respond to what others experienced. I can say sometimes Dave's seems higher in price - but I trust them - and that means a lot. They have never charged me to look at my car when it seems something is wrong and have even...
posted at 01/26/11
A Better Auto Repair 760-729-8964
1106 S Coast Hwy, A
Oceanside , CA 92054 UNITED STATES
1 5

Dr. D

The owner may be honest but has quick temper. Yes, as previous review, they charge high price for the parts. I brought my own parts which I paid less than half of what they charged, he gets really mad. The mechanics lowered my tire...
posted at 11/01/10
A Better Auto Repair 760-729-8964
1106 S Coast Hwy, A
Oceanside , CA 92054 UNITED STATES
5 5

excellent service

When the check engine light came on in my car, I panicked and drove immediatelyover to Dave's Auto Service and Repair. I had never been there before but had passed by many times. I didn't know what was going on with my car and just...
posted at 05/26/10
A Better Auto Repair 760-729-8964
1106 S Coast Hwy, A
Oceanside , CA 92054 UNITED STATES
1 5

Never go here!

I have taken my car to this place a few times and after the first time I should have learned my lesson. I am not going to write a long rant here but here are the facts:\r
1) Overpriced parts\r
2) They never call you to tell you whats...
posted at 08/18/10
A Better Auto Repair 760-729-8964
1106 S Coast Hwy, A
Oceanside , CA 92054 UNITED STATES
4 5

Respectful to my husband and me

I cannot speak for anyone else but myself. My husband and I have always had good experiences at Dave's. They have checked our cars for free - several times. They have been fair and honest and respectful.
posted at 01/26/11
A Better Auto Repair 760-729-8964
1106 S Coast Hwy, A
Oceanside , CA 92054 UNITED STATES
1 5

F u c k This Guy And This Place

Dave's Auto is a bunch of rip off a s s h o l e s. They lie to you to buy their partrs, they lie to you and tell you that you need this and that, they lie to you and tell you that they are honest, they lie to you and tell you that they...
posted at 01/01/11

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A Better Auto Repair
Auto Repair
2.6 (8 reviews)
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