Automotive Technologies of East Meadow

Automotive Technologies of East Meadow

Auto Repair in East Meadow, NY

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Inspection Stations (emissions)

Contact us


543 East Meadow Avenue,
East Meadow , NY 11554 UNITED STATES

About Automotive Technologies of East Meadow

Automotive Technologies of East Meadow is East Meadow’s source for quality auto repair and first class service. We have been in business since 2000 and our experienced auto technicians will handle any of your automotive needs including:
•Auto RepairShop
•Scheduled Maintenance
•Brake Repair
•NY State Inspections
•Oil Change
•Auto Tune Ups
Visit us today and experience our exceptional customer service. It’s our goal at Automotive Technologies of East Meadow to always provide great service and high-quality workmanship at a fair price. Our friendly staff is waiting to help you with your next automotive repair needs.


Automotive Technologies of East Meadow 516-542-9697
543 East Meadow Avenue,
East Meadow , NY 11554 UNITED STATES
Automotive Technologies of East Meadow

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Automotive Technologies of East Meadow
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Automotive Technologies of East Meadow

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