Lee Myles Transmissions

Lee Myles Transmissions

Auto Repair in Hollis, NY

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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20106 Hillside Ave,
Hollis , NY 11423 UNITED STATES

About Lee Myles Transmissions

For over 30 years, Lee Myles Transmissions AutoCare has served Hollis Queens, New York, and the surrounding area with a commitment to service and value. We appreciate your interest and look forward to earning your business. Established in 1947, Lee Myles Transmissions AutoCare has the experience and expertise to get the job done right the first time. Our skilled professionals use only the finest tools and materials to service your car and return your vehicle to its former glory. Lee Myles Transmissions AutoCare provides personalized service and affordable rates. If there's anything else we can do to make your experience a little easier, just ask. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Lee Myles Transmission of Hollis provides an overview of our products and services. If you have any questions or comments, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us. We usually answer within 24 hours.


Lee Myles Transmissions 718-740-4800
20106 Hillside Ave,
Hollis , NY 11423 UNITED STATES
Lee Myles Transmissions

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Lee Myles Transmissions
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