Academy of Mental Health Practitioners

Academy of Mental Health Practitioners

Counseling & Mental Health in Staten Island, NY

Counseling & Mental Health Marriage & Family Counseling

Contact us


2907 Amboy Rd,
Staten Island , NY 10306 UNITED STATES

About Academy of Mental Health Practitioners

Mr. Aldo Fossella offers both psychotherapy and counseling services with 34 years of experience in treating children, adolescents, and adults at Oakwood, Staten Island. He has been treating depression, anxiety, panic attacks, adjustment disorder, anxiety disorders, ADD, and ODD. He has been helping people improve their social assertiveness, relationship issues, and stress related issues through parenting training, family counseling, grief counseling, behavioral therapy, and a lot more. Please contact us, so we can help you. Mr. Fossella has an alternative office located at 495 Oakdale Street, Eltingville, NY.


Academy of Mental Health Practitioners 718-727-1796
2907 Amboy Rd,
Staten Island , NY 10306 UNITED STATES
Academy of Mental Health Practitioners

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Academy of Mental Health Practitioners
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Academy of Mental Health Practitioners

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