Lord & Taylor

Lord & Taylor

Department Stores in New York, NY

Department Stores Clothing Jewelry

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424 Fifth Avenue,
New York , NY 10018 UNITED STATES

About Lord & Taylor

Discover the latest trends, exclusive previews and can’t-miss sales at Lord & Taylor and Lordandtaylor.com. Since 1826, Lord & Taylor has built a reputation for service, quality and most of all, style. Their mix of on-trend brands and timeless designers, combined with amazing weekly deals and seasonal sales, create a superior shopping experience.


Lord & Taylor 212-391-3344
424 Fifth Avenue,
New York , NY 10018 UNITED STATES
Lord & Taylor 3.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Lord & Taylor 212-391-3344
424 Fifth Avenue,
New York , NY 10018 UNITED STATES
5 5

Not Your Grandma?s Store Anymore!

Lord & Taylor? Just hearing that name, I?m instantly transported to the 1980?s of my childhood, and memories of my cashmere sweater-collecting grandmother in Minnesota, a walking 1950?s time piece herself, sea-green 67? Buick she refused...
posted at 06/28/11
Lord & Taylor 212-391-3344
424 Fifth Avenue,
New York , NY 10018 UNITED STATES
1 5


This store service simply SUCKSSSSS!!! I tried very hard to place an order, but no body even picked up my calls in day dress department. My call was transferred and asked to be held tons of times. I was very frustrated!!!
posted at 01/08/11
Lord & Taylor 212-391-3344
424 Fifth Avenue,
New York , NY 10018 UNITED STATES
5 5

Not Your Grandma?s Store Anymore!

Lord & Taylor? Just hearing that name, I?m instantly transported to the 1980?s of my childhood, and memories of my cashmere sweater-collecting grandmother in Minnesota, a walking 1950?s time piece herself, sea-green 67? Buick she refused...
posted at 06/27/11

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Lord & Taylor
Department Stores
3.7 (3 reviews)
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