Donatos Taco Shop

Donatos Taco Shop

Tex-Mex Restaurants in San Diego, CA

Tex-Mex Restaurants

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6780 Miramar Rd,
San Diego , CA 92121 UNITED STATES

About Donatos Taco Shop


Donatos Taco Shop 858-530-0800
6780 Miramar Rd,
San Diego , CA 92121 UNITED STATES
Donatos Taco Shop 4

Based on 1 reviews

Donatos Taco Shop 858-530-0800
6780 Miramar Rd,
San Diego , CA 92121 UNITED STATES
4 5


Place used to be one of the best. i came here in the 80's when taco shops first started taking off in San Diego. now, they're on every street corner. this one had the freshest ingrediaents in all their food, but not any more.

posted at 07/30/11

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Donatos Taco Shop
Tex-Mex Restaurants
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Donatos Taco Shop

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