Patricia A. Mack Attorney at Law

Patricia A. Mack Attorney at Law

Lawyers and Law Firms in Scotch Plains, NJ

Lawyers and Law Firms

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1812 Front St,
Scotch Plains , NJ 07076 UNITED STATES

About Patricia A. Mack Attorney at Law

Patricia A. Mack received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Douglass College in 1985 and her Juris Doctorate at Rutgers University’s Newark Law School Campus in 1988.

Her litigation savvy burgeoned into a thriving family law practice with a focus on Collaborative Divorce (Conscious Uncoupling), Estate Planning, and Municipal Traffic Law.


Patricia A. Mack Attorney at Law 908-859-4077
1812 Front St,
Scotch Plains , NJ 07076 UNITED STATES
Patricia A. Mack Attorney at Law

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Patricia A. Mack Attorney at Law

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