Sara's Pre-School

Sara's Pre-School

Child Care and Day Care Centers in Ridgewood, NJ

Child Care and Day Care Centers Career Education (continuing Education) Schools

Contact us


303 Prospect St,
Ridgewood , NJ 07450 UNITED STATES

About Sara's Pre-School

Sara's Pre-School is a state accredited school, family owned for twenty-seven years, with certified early childhood teachers. Our school offers an infant program, a toddler class, pre-school classes, kindergarten enrichment and an after school program. The children are placed according to their age as of October 1st of the school year and they continue with that group until the following September. Our school emphasizes a safe and friendly atmosphere where learning is a fun and enjoyable experience.


Sara's Pre-School 201-445-8980
303 Prospect St,
Ridgewood , NJ 07450 UNITED STATES
Sara's Pre-School

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Sara's Pre-School
Child Care and Day Care Centers
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Sara's Pre-School

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