Whitty Transmissions Inc

Whitty Transmissions Inc

Auto Repair in Oak Ridge, NJ

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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3022 State Rt 23,
Oak Ridge , NJ 07438 UNITED STATES

About Whitty Transmissions Inc

Whitty Transmissions Inc. is located in Oak Ridge, NJ, and has been providing outstanding transmission services and repairs for over 60 years. Serving Sussex County residents is a big part of our history, and we have the skills and experience to tackle any service job, whether it be a minor tune-up or a full transmission rebuild. Services we offer include: Automatic and manual transmission repair Electrical Diagnosis Manuel clutch service and repair Shift kit installations Transmission fluid exchange Driveshaft serviceTransmission cooler repairWe also provide general auto repairs, like filter replacements, rebuild/ replace CV axels, and flywheel resurfacing.Call Whitty Transmissions Inc. today for an evaluation, because catching problem early means avoiding an expensive repair.


Whitty Transmissions Inc 973-697-7755
3022 State Rt 23,
Oak Ridge , NJ 07438 UNITED STATES
Whitty Transmissions Inc

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Whitty Transmissions Inc
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Whitty Transmissions Inc

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