Paul D. Nifong, Jr., DDS

Paul D. Nifong, Jr., DDS

Dentists in Clemmons, NC


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3624 Clemmons Rd,
Clemmons , NC 27012 UNITED STATES

About Paul D. Nifong, Jr., DDS

When you visit the dental office of Paul D. Nifong, Jr., DDS, you will find that you are comfortable, cared for, and enjoy your visits more than you have at any other dental office! With an emphasis placed on preventative care as well as helping you enjoy the look of your smile, we want to help you get all your emergency and standard dental needs met. One of the many things that truly sets our office apart from other dentists in the area is the joy that our dentist, Paul D. Nifong, Jr., DDS, gets from helping patients, and that is something you will be able to discern from the moment you meet him.


Paul D. Nifong, Jr., DDS 336-766-6457
3624 Clemmons Rd,
Clemmons , NC 27012 UNITED STATES
Paul D. Nifong, Jr., DDS

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