World Overcomers Christian Church

World Overcomers Christian Church

Public Services & Government in Durham, NC

Public Services & Government Churches Community Service Organizations

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2933 S Miami Blvd,
Durham , NC 27703 UNITED STATES

About World Overcomers Christian Church

The World Overcomers Christian Church is a Durham, NC-based church with a global reach. Pastor Andy Thompson leads this congregation of 10,000 members with the goal of helping people make good decisions and connect with others locally and globally. There are volunteer opportunities for almost everyone at WOCC, so if you're looking to get involved in your community, this is the place for you! Plus, what could be better than getting closer to God and making new friends? Check out WOCC today!


World Overcomers Christian Church 919-402-9622
2933 S Miami Blvd,
Durham , NC 27703 UNITED STATES
World Overcomers Christian Church

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World Overcomers Christian Church
Public Services & Government
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World Overcomers Christian Church

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