Taylor Automotive

Taylor Automotive

Auto Repair in Sanford, NC

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Automotive Repair & Service Shop in Sanford, NC
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1007 Hawkins Ave,
Sanford , NC 27330 UNITED STATES

About Taylor Automotive

At Taylor Automotive in Sanford, NC, we are committed to serving you, our customer, with professional automotive repair and maintenance at a reasonable cost with qualified technicians. We use the highest quality auto parts, covered by our industry exclusive, 3 year / 36,000 mile warranty. We service and repair all makes and models, both import and domestic vehicles. Trust the professionals to get your car repaired correctly the first time.


Taylor Automotive


Taylor Automotive 919-774-4037
1007 Hawkins Ave,
Sanford , NC 27330 UNITED STATES
Taylor Automotive 5

Based on 7 reviews

Taylor Automotive 919-774-4037
1007 Hawkins Ave,
Sanford , NC 27330 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great place to take your Prius

I took my Prius to these guys due to a documentory I saw about them on PBS and they have done a great job taking care of my hybrid car. They have even won national awards with their work on hybrids.
posted at 12/21/10
Taylor Automotive 919-774-4037
1007 Hawkins Ave,
Sanford , NC 27330 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent customer service

Just had my car in this shop for the first time and I will say they were over and above any shop I have ever used in the past. They welcomed me with a smile, hot coffee and wireless. I had intended to have them drive me home so I could...
posted at 11/23/10
Taylor Automotive 919-774-4037
1007 Hawkins Ave,
Sanford , NC 27330 UNITED STATES
5 5

Safe place to take your car

The people at Taylor's just sent me a survey to so I could give them feedback on how they were doing. I really appreciate that they care what I think. I have not had this with any other shop I have taken my car to. Last year, they won my...
posted at 11/15/10
Taylor Automotive 919-774-4037
1007 Hawkins Ave,
Sanford , NC 27330 UNITED STATES
5 5

Professional Auto Service

You can count on good quality work, done well and thoroughly. No short cuts, no skimping. Staff is personable and professional.
posted at 11/19/10
Taylor Automotive 919-774-4037
1007 Hawkins Ave,
Sanford , NC 27330 UNITED STATES
5 5

Safe place to take your car

The people at Taylor's just sent me a survey to so I could give them feedback on how they were doing. I really appreciate that they care what I think. I have not had this with any other shop I have taken my car to. Last year, they won my...
posted at 11/16/10
Taylor Automotive 919-774-4037
1007 Hawkins Ave,
Sanford , NC 27330 UNITED STATES
5 5

Trusted auto repair shop

This shop is clean reasonable and professional.They realy looked after me! I had tires worn out on the inside and i had a long trip planned.Even the waiting room has computers in it for me to use. This is m y new shop.
posted at 11/15/10
Taylor Automotive 919-774-4037
1007 Hawkins Ave,
Sanford , NC 27330 UNITED STATES
5 5


posted at 11/15/10

Detail information

Company name
Taylor Automotive
Auto Repair
5.0 (7 reviews)
Year Established
Claimed by

Taylor Automotive

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