Murray's Tire & Auto Service

Murray's Tire & Auto Service

Auto Repair in Raleigh, NC

Auto Repair Appliances & Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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1202 S Saunders St,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES

About Murray's Tire & Auto Service

Murray’s Tire & Auto Service goes beyond supplying customers with tires at affordable rates. We strive to be Raleigh’s one-stop resource for auto service and repair, including, brake repairs, top quality parts and detailed inspections.
At Murray’s, customers benefit from our skilled auto service technicians and practical advice on car maintenance. Have a car repair question? Our tire and auto service experts are happy to help. Murray’s skilled technicians are here to help you get back on the road, safely and as soon as possible.
Visit our convenient location, one mile from downtown Raleigh, today!
Murray’s Tire & Auto Service belongs to the following organizations:
Independent Garage Owners of North Carolina, Inc.
Established in September 1959 through the efforts of independent garage owners who found that, as a group, they had the means to deal with the many challenges that they faced as business people. With a united approach to their problems, they gained the necessary strength to achieve a higher level of operation and to better serve their customers.
North Carolina Tire Dealers & Retreaders Association
Serving The Independent Tire Dealers Of North Carolina Since 1964
Auto Service Association
Since 1951, ASA has been the leading organization for owners and managers of automotive service businesses that strive to deliver excellence in service and repairs to consumers.


Murray's Tire & Auto Service 919-821-0573
1202 S Saunders St,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
Murray's Tire & Auto Service 5

Based on 9 reviews

Murray's Tire & Auto Service 919-821-0573
1202 S Saunders St,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
5 5

Your service

My wife and I searched the net for Auto Air Condition Repair Shops open on Saturday. We found Murray's, called, they seemed more friendly and courteous than most auto repair shops, so we paid them a visit. We could not have been more...
posted at 08/08/11
Murray's Tire & Auto Service 919-821-0573
1202 S Saunders St,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
5 5

best tire shop in town

needed a used tire from a blow out. price was great, tire was great and they even used a michelin so that all my tires would still match. come see these...
posted at 03/24/11
Murray's Tire & Auto Service 919-821-0573
1202 S Saunders St,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
5 5

Good service

Mechanics here are fast, friendly and very nice. I took my car here because the breaks were squeaking and I though I might need new pads. The mechanic came out and told me the pads were fine, just dirty and he cleaned them. Well, they...
posted at 05/31/11
Murray's Tire & Auto Service 919-821-0573
1202 S Saunders St,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
5 5

best tire shop in town

needed a used tire from a blow out. price was great, tire was great and they even used a michelin so that all my tires would still match. come see these guys!
posted at 03/25/11
Murray's Tire & Auto Service 919-821-0573
1202 S Saunders St,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best service - best prices

I have been going to Murray's for almost a decade now, always in the past for used tires. This time I needed new tires. I shopped around at Merchant's and Discount Tire before heading to Murray's. The two national chains wanted between...
posted at 07/09/10
Murray's Tire & Auto Service 919-821-0573
1202 S Saunders St,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Customer Service!!!

I have been a customer of Murray's Tires for approximately 6 years. I am always impressed with the customer service. The staff are verrrrry friendly. The technicians are always happy and speaking. Staff at the front desk are always...
posted at 09/10/10
Murray's Tire & Auto Service 919-821-0573
1202 S Saunders St,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
5 5

Always Trustworthy!!

I had been trying to find a competent car shop I could trust and I am so glad I found this place! I have taken my car there 2 different times and I always get the best service. One time my check engine light came on & it turned out to be...
posted at 03/05/10
Murray's Tire & Auto Service 919-821-0573
1202 S Saunders St,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
5 5


This place treats everyone like they are the most important customer they will see all day. The guys at Murray's from Gary, Rock, to the guy who is doing the work all treat you with the utmost respect and seem grateful for your business....
posted at 03/08/11
Murray's Tire & Auto Service 919-821-0573
1202 S Saunders St,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
5 5

Service at Murrays

Thank you Murray's Tires!!!!! Very satisfied with the service i received on my Truck. Purchased four used tires that ride like new, and an alignment that was performed better than the Ford dealership repair after I wrecked my 2007 truck....
posted at 10/11/10

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Murray's Tire & Auto Service
Auto Repair
5.0 (9 reviews)
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