Duty Tire & Service Center

Duty Tire & Service Center

Auto Repair in Raleigh, NC

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

Contact us


405 Tryon Road,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES

About Duty Tire & Service Center

For over 30 years, Duty Tire & Service Center has been helping drivers in the City of Oaks travel safely to their destinations through the purchase and installation of brand name tires and quality automotive repair services.


Duty Tire & Service Center 919-772-6100
405 Tryon Road,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
Duty Tire & Service Center 3.5

Based on 4 reviews

Duty Tire & Service Center 919-772-6100
405 Tryon Road,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
4 5

Best Shop in Town

I was quoted outrageous prices for a repair by several other shops in Raleigh. Called Duty and received a very, very, fair price. Took my truck in and received excellent, fast service. I will not take my vehicles any where else! Thank...
posted at 07/09/11
Duty Tire & Service Center 919-772-6100
405 Tryon Road,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
1 5

oil changes only

oil changes are what they are good at.. need to just stick to them. the owner is nice, i sounded harsh the first time... but his guys just dont know much about cars.. so oil changes fine.. other stuff.. look elsewhere
posted at 05/19/10
Duty Tire & Service Center 919-772-6100
405 Tryon Road,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
4 5

great service with cheap prices

I love this place, the owner is actually honest and isn't trying to upsell you. Great service at affordable prices make this a keeper.
posted at 03/25/11
Duty Tire & Service Center 919-772-6100
405 Tryon Road,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
5 5

Honest and Competent Mechanics

I've been going to them for several years, and they've always done great work. I know a little about cars, and know that other shops have tried to take advantage of me because I'm female, and they assume I know nothing. Duty Tire has...
posted at 03/25/11

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Duty Tire & Service Center
Auto Repair
3.5 (4 reviews)
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