Caldwell Collision

Caldwell Collision

Auto Repair in Monroe, NC

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5520 W Highway 74,
Monroe , NC 28110 UNITED STATES

About Caldwell Collision


Caldwell Collision 704-535-3883
5520 W Highway 74,
Monroe , NC 28110 UNITED STATES
Caldwell Collision 5

Based on 3 reviews

Caldwell Collision 704-535-3883
5520 W Highway 74,
Monroe , NC 28110 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Repair Job

I had a moderate fender bender in my 2 year old Camry and took it to Caldwell for repair. The thing that impressed me most was their attention to detail. They had a rental car there waiting for me, they coordinated everything with my...
posted at 01/26/10
Caldwell Collision 704-535-3883
5520 W Highway 74,
Monroe , NC 28110 UNITED STATES
5 5

Above and Beyond

Anyone unfortunate enough to have to take their car in for collision repairs should not think twice about making the trip out to Caldwell Collision. Having had my 2010 BMW for only a few weeks, I had the bad luck of being backed into in...
posted at 01/25/10
Caldwell Collision 704-535-3883
5520 W Highway 74,
Monroe , NC 28110 UNITED STATES
5 5

Caldwell Collision

Took my auto to Caldwell after it had been "repaired" at another shop in after an accident. How I wish I had the car towed to Caldwell from the start, Caldwell went so far beyond my expectations that I don't know where to begin. ...
posted at 05/06/10

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Caldwell Collision
Auto Repair
5.0 (3 reviews)
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Caldwell Collision

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