Keffer Hyundai

Keffer Hyundai

Auto Dealers in Matthews, North Carolina

Auto Dealers

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9010 East Independence Boulevard,
Matthews , North Carolina 28105 UNITED STATES

About Keffer Hyundai


Keffer Hyundai 704-343-8238
9010 East Independence Boulevard,
Matthews , North Carolina 28105 UNITED STATES
Keffer Hyundai 2.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Keffer Hyundai 704-343-8238
9010 East Independence Boulevard,
Matthews , North Carolina 28105 UNITED STATES
5 5

World Class Service at Keffer Hyundai-Matthews

Keffer Hyundai and the service staff team are the BEST!!! I give the Keffer Hyundai service team 5 Star rating. I have visited other Hyundai dealers in the area and the Keffer Hyundai Service team stand above the rest.With friendly staff...
posted at 06/10/10
Keffer Hyundai 704-343-8238
9010 East Independence Boulevard,
Matthews , North Carolina 28105 UNITED STATES
1 5

Worst Hyundai dealership EVER!!!

I recently went to Keffer Hyundai with my father to try and purchase a 2011 Sonata. We let them know it could potentially be a 2 car deal. They were eager to help my father, but left me standing in the lobby watching TV for FOUR...
posted at 10/31/10
Keffer Hyundai 704-343-8238
9010 East Independence Boulevard,
Matthews , North Carolina 28105 UNITED STATES
1 5

Keffer Hyundai Lawsuits

This is Jack Stratton. I own the website Jail the Keffers

My wife currently has a rapidly moving lawsuit in the N.C. courts against Dwayne Moser, Keffer Hyundai, and James Keffer.

Now James Keffer is going to be sued again, this time...
posted at 04/26/11

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Keffer Hyundai
Auto Dealers
2.3 (3 reviews)
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