Holy Rosary Credit Union

Holy Rosary Credit Union

Banks & Credit Unions in Kansas City, Missouri

Banks & Credit Unions

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533 Campbell Street,
Kansas City , Missouri 64106 UNITED STATES

About Holy Rosary Credit Union

We offer compassion to all who enter our credit union. Holy Rosary Credit Union has often been called "the melting pot credit union" over its 80-year history. Since it was organized in 1943, the credit union has experienced the arrival of many different ethnic groups into the field of membership. Though our members have diverse backgrounds, they either share a bond of the Catholic faith, or a connection to nonprofit and needs-based organizations in the area.


Holy Rosary Credit Union 816-221-2734
533 Campbell Street,
Kansas City , Missouri 64106 UNITED STATES
Holy Rosary Credit Union

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Holy Rosary Credit Union
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Holy Rosary Credit Union

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