The Law Office of Glen A. Norton

The Law Office of Glen A. Norton

Lawyers and Law Firms in Minnetonka, MN

Lawyers and Law Firms Law and Courts

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601 Carlson Pkwy, Ste 1077
Minnetonka , MN 55305 UNITED STATES

About The Law Office of Glen A. Norton

When issues like divorce or child custody disputes arise in your family, you need an experienced attorney you can trust. If you are in the Minnetonka, Minnesota area and are in need of legal representation in a divorce, child custody dispute, paternity action, or other family law matters, contact The Law Office of Glen A. Norton today and schedule a consultation.


The Law Office of Glen A. Norton 763-450-6600
601 Carlson Pkwy, Ste 1077
Minnetonka , MN 55305 UNITED STATES
The Law Office of Glen A. Norton

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The Law Office of Glen A. Norton

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