Bob and Carl's Auto Body and Glass

Bob and Carl's Auto Body and Glass

Auto Repair in Osseo, MN

Auto Repair Doors & Windows

Contact us


107 Central Ave,
Osseo , MN 55369 UNITED STATES

About Bob and Carl's Auto Body and Glass

At Bob and Carl's Auto Body and Glass, we believe in quality craftsmanship and superior service. Located in Osseso, MN, we know a business is nothing without good people behind it. That is why we are proud of our exceptional crew. No job is too big and no job is too small for Bob & Carl's Auto Body and Glass shop. Some of our services include auto body repair, frame and uni-body repair, painting, striping and painted stripes, downdraft baking booth, and alignments. Call us today for more information.


Bob and Carl's Auto Body and Glass 763-425-2177
107 Central Ave,
Osseo , MN 55369 UNITED STATES
Bob and Carl's Auto Body and Glass

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Bob and Carl's Auto Body and Glass
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Bob and Carl's Auto Body and Glass

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