OV Mower and Powersports

OV Mower and Powersports

Lawn & Garden Equipment in Orangevale, CA

Lawn & Garden Equipment

Contact us


9357 Greenback Ln, Ste. 11
Orangevale , CA 95662 UNITED STATES

About OV Mower and Powersports

OV Mower and Powersports Provides Lawn Mowers, Off Highway Vehicles and More to the Orangevale, CA Area.


OV Mower and Powersports 916-989-4228
9357 Greenback Ln, Ste. 11
Orangevale , CA 95662 UNITED STATES
OV Mower and Powersports 3

Based on 2 reviews

OV Mower and Powersports 916-989-4228
9357 Greenback Ln, Ste. 11
Orangevale , CA 95662 UNITED STATES
5 5

garys mowershop

I do lawn service and the work has been great they do repairs that no one else does and dont mind working on old equip! They have found hard to get parts for me on my equip. Its hard to understand how other shops stay in bussiness when...
posted at 04/19/11
OV Mower and Powersports 916-989-4228
9357 Greenback Ln, Ste. 11
Orangevale , CA 95662 UNITED STATES
1 5

poor customer service

After having mower in shop for 6 months we got it back and then belt was broke we returned it to get that fixed and then waited another 2 months.I call to see when it would be ready and they say tomorrow and i call tomorrow and once again...
posted at 03/10/11

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Company name
OV Mower and Powersports
Lawn & Garden Equipment
3.0 (2 reviews)
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OV Mower and Powersports

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