Joseph's Coat

Joseph's Coat

Charities and Charitable Foundations in Saint Paul, MN

Charities and Charitable Foundations Non For Profit Organizations Thrift Shops

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1107 7th Street West,
Saint Paul , MN 55102 UNITED STATES

About Joseph's Coat

Each day, Joseph’s Coat serves people whose life challenges have left them in need of essential goods. Learn more about their needs and the standard of quality expected for donated goods. Free Clothing and household goods for men, women, and children in need. Monday and Wednesday will be open for shopping, and Tuesday & Thursday will be open for donating. We are closed the first full week of each month.


Joseph's Coat 651-291-2472
1107 7th Street West,
Saint Paul , MN 55102 UNITED STATES
Joseph's Coat

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Joseph's Coat
Charities and Charitable Foundations
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Joseph's Coat

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