Yee's Auto Tech

Yee's Auto Tech

Auto Dealers in Sacramento, CA

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations

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3073 Freeport Blvd,
Sacramento , CA 95818 UNITED STATES

About Yee's Auto Tech


Yee's Auto Tech 916-442-8340
3073 Freeport Blvd,
Sacramento , CA 95818 UNITED STATES
Yee's Auto Tech 1

Based on 2 reviews

Yee's Auto Tech 916-442-8340
3073 Freeport Blvd,
Sacramento , CA 95818 UNITED STATES
1 5

This is not your Grandpa's auto shop

Violated. That's the word I kept thinking after I got out of this place. They put out a nice ad in the Land Park neighborhood papers: three elderly gentlemen, smiling, and honest looking. So I decided to give them a try, they remind me of...
posted at 01/15/10
Yee's Auto Tech 916-442-8340
3073 Freeport Blvd,
Sacramento , CA 95818 UNITED STATES
1 5

For Real??

If I could give less than 1 star I would. Every quote is out of control. Replacing 02 sensors was going to be a 1200 job?.. really, $250 will get you all four parts, and the labor is less than 2 hours..... how is that $1200?.........
posted at 09/02/10

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Yee's Auto Tech
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