Mini Coopers By Valley Motorwerks

Mini Coopers By Valley Motorwerks

Auto Repair in Rancho Cordova, CA

Auto Repair

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11403 White Rock Rd,
Rancho Cordova , CA 95742 UNITED STATES

About Mini Coopers By Valley Motorwerks

You can always tell the quality of a shop's work by their facility. Valley Motorwerks has an extremely clean and well organized shop, with a lounge area while you wait for your car. The shop doesn't try and pull a 'fast one on you' as large windows allow you to view the maintenance bays and see them work on your car. I usually get my race car serviced here by their knowledgeable staff. Dave and Justin run a very tight ship and their staff is very kind and respectful of your pride and joy. If you have a daily driver BMW, VW or Audi and are in need of maintenance or have a high performance weekend toy, or even full race car these guys can do it all. Oil changes, brake service, alignments and even the big jobs that you would typically only go to the dealer for. Valley Motorwerks provides a dealership alternative. You will be hard pressed to tell the difference between this shop and a BMW dealership service center (minus the salesmen...obviously). Highly recommend these guys!


Mini Coopers By Valley Motorwerks 916-636-9526
11403 White Rock Rd,
Rancho Cordova , CA 95742 UNITED STATES
Mini Coopers By Valley Motorwerks

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Mini Coopers By Valley Motorwerks
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Mini Coopers By Valley Motorwerks

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